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TMFunction: Database for functional residues in membrane proteins
, , Yabuki Y., Thangakani A.M., Suwa M., Fukui K.
Published in
PMID: 18842639
Volume: 37
Issue: SUPPL. 1
Pages: 201 - 204
We have developed the database TMFunction, which is a collection of more than 2900 experimentally observed functional residues in membrane proteins. Each entry includes the numerical values for the parameters IC50 (measure of the effectiveness of a compound in inhibiting biological function), Vmax (maximal velocity of transport), relative activity of mutants with respect to wild-type protein, binding affinity, dissociation constant, etc., which are important for understanding the sequence-structure-function relationship of membrane proteins. In addition, we have provided information about name and source of the protein, Uniprot and Protein Data Bank codes, mutational and literature information. Furthermore, TMFunction is linked to related databases and other resources. We have set up a web interface with different search and display options so that users have the ability to get the data in several ways. TMFunction is freely available at http://tmbeta-genome.cbrc.jp/TMFunction/. © 2008 The Author(s).
About the journal
JournalNucleic Acids Research
Open AccessNo