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Directed Self-Assembly Driven Mesoscale Lithography Using Laser-Induced and Manipulated Microbubbles: Complex Architectures and Diverse Applications
Ranjan A.D., Subhrokoli Ghosh, Santu Das, Rakesh Sen, , Soumyajit Roy, Ayan Banerjee
Published in American Chemical Society
PMID: 33296219
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Pages: 10 - 25
A microbubble nucleated due to the absorption of a tightly focused laser at the interface of a liquid-solid substrate enables directed and irreversible self-assembly of mesoscopic particles dispersed in the liquid at the bubble base. This phenomenon has facilitated a new microlithography technique which has grown rapidly over the past decade and can now reliably pattern a vast range of soft materials and colloids, ranging from polymers to metals to proteins. In this review, we discuss the science behind this technology and the present state-of-the-art. Thus, we describe the physics of the self-assembly driven by the bubble, the techniques for generating complex mesoarchitectures, both discrete and continuous, and their properties, and the various applications demonstrated in plastic electronics, site-specific catalysis, and biosensing. Finally, we describe a roadmap for the technique to achieve its potential of successfully patterning "everything"mesoscopic and the challenges that lie therein. ©
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JournalData powered by TypesetNano Letters
PublisherData powered by TypesetAmerican Chemical Society
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