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Clique-detection algorithm using clique-self-assembly
, Kamala Krithivasan
Published in
Pages: 225 - 230
Self-assembly is a process in which simple objects autonomously combine themselves into larger objects. It is considered as a promising technique in nano-technology. Two simple graphs G1 and G2 with a clique of same size overlap and a new self-assembled graph is formed. Besides studying the properties of self assembled graphs on cliques, we answer the question: Can a given set of graphs be generated through the self-assembly of cliques? If so, how to find the generator that could generate the given set of graphs by the process of cliqueself- assembly. The question of the existence of minimal generator is also discussed. The necessary and sufficient condition for a graph H to be obtained by the iterated cliqueself- assembly of the graph G is also answered. We also conclude that the problem of finding the generator is decidable. We note the importance of our work with respect to several closely related clique finding problem. © 2011 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalProceedings - 2011 6th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, BIC-TA 2011
Open AccessNo
Concepts (11)
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