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Nonenzymatic Glucose Sensing Using Ni60Nb40Nanoglass
Bag S., Baksi A., Nandam S.H., Wang D., Wang D., Ye X., Ghosh J., , Hahn H., Hahn H.
Published in ACS Publications
PMID: 32267141
Volume: 14
Issue: 5
Pages: 5543 - 5552
Despite being researched for nearly five decades, chemical application of metallic glass is scarcely explored. Here we show electrochemical nonenzymatic glucose-sensing ability of nickel-niobium (Ni60Nb40) amorphous alloys in alkaline medium. Three different Ni60Nb40 systems with the same elemental composition, but varying microstructures are created following different synthetic routes and tested for their glucose-sensing performance. Among melt-spun ribbon, nanoglass, and amorphous-crystalline nanocomposite materials, nanoglass showed the best performance in terms of high anodic current density, sensitivity (20 mA cm-2 mM-1), limit of detection (100 nM glucose), stability, reproducibility (above 5000 cycles), and sensing accuracy among nonenzymatic glucose sensors involving amorphous alloys. When annealed under vacuum, only the heat-treated nanoglass retained a similar electrochemical-sensing property, while the other materials failed to yield desired results. In nanoglass, a network of glassy interfaces, compared to melt-spun ribbon, is plausibly responsible for the enhanced sensitivity. © 2020 American Chemical Society.
About the journal
JournalACS Nano
PublisherACS Publications
Open AccessNo