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Development of biomorphic alumina using egg shell membrane as bio-template
Sabu U., Rashad M., Logesh G., , Lodhe M.,
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 44
Issue: 5
Pages: 4615 - 4621
Hierarchical interwoven alumina was developed using egg shell membrane as a bio-template. Fibrous network of the egg shell membrane was replicated to form fibrous alumina networks by soaking the membranes in metal salt solution and by subsequent calcination. The synthesis was systematically studied by varying the calcination temperature (400 − 1200 °C). Morphological features of the developed alumina networks were characterized using electron microscopes and structural investigations were carried out using X-ray diffractometer. Surface features of the hierarchical structures developed were also studied. Calcium and sulfur based compounds got crystallized from egg shell membranes along with alumina. The developed biomorphic networks by virtue of their high surface area and porous properties will be potential candidates for applications in water purification. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.
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