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A two-step hybrid multi-criteria approach to analyze the significance of parameters affecting microwave-assisted pyrolysis
K. Pritam, H. Puppala, S. Palla, D.V. Suriapparao,
Published in Institution of Chemical Engineers
Volume: 171
Pages: 975 - 985
Biomass is a viable alternative to fossil fuels due to the abundant availability of solid waste and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Various conversion methods, including physical, thermal, biochemical-microbial, and chemical processes, have been utilized to convert biomass to energy. Microwave-assisted pyrolysis (MAP) is one of the prominent techniques to convert biomass into energy. Various parameters affect the yield and quality of the product in MAP. Studies addressing comprehensive insight into all influencing parameters are limited. Moreover, the relative hierarchy of the parameters is not evaluated in any of the past research works. Considering this limitation, this study proposed a two-step approach based on a multi-criteria technique that aid stakeholders to analyze the significance of each parameter. The proposed approach is built on the theory of Fuzzy Delphi and the Analytical Hierarchy Process. A total of 27 different parameters affecting MAP are identified through extant literature. Analysis based on the proposed approach suggests that microwave power is the most significant parameter influencing MAP. The impact of co-processing feedstock is very minimal among all the identified parameters. The relative hierarchy of all the parameters drawn in this study help stakeholders performs MAP with the least resources. © 2023 The Institution of Chemical Engineers
About the journal
JournalProcess Safety and Environmental Protection
PublisherInstitution of Chemical Engineers