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A hydro-thermophoretic trap for microparticles near a gold-coated substrate
G. Nalupurackal, M. Gunaseelan, S. Roy, M. Lokesh, S. Kumar, R. Vaippully, , B. Roy
Published in Royal Society of Chemistry
PMID: 36040245
Volume: 18
Issue: 36
Pages: 6825 - 6835
Optical tweezers have revolutionised micromanipulation from physics and biology to material science. However, the high laser power involved in optical trapping can damage biological samples. In this context, indirect trapping of microparticles and objects using fluid flow fields has assumed great importance. It has recently been shown that cells and particles can be turned in the pitch sense by opto-plasmonic heating of a gold surface constituting one side of a sample chamber. We extend that work to place two such hotspots in close proximity to each other to form a very unique configuration of flow fields forming an effective quasi-three-dimensional ‘trap’, assisted by thermophoresis. This is effectively a harmonic trap confining particles in all three dimensions without relying on other factors to confine the particles close to the surface. We use this to show indirect trapping of different types of upconverting particles and cells, and also show that we can approach a trap stiffness of 40 fN μm−1 indicating a weak confinement regime without relying on feedback. © 2022 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
About the journal
JournalSoft Matter
PublisherRoyal Society of Chemistry