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G.M. Pharr, Y.-T. Cheng, I.M. Hutchings, M. Sakai, N.R. Moody, , M.V. Swain
Published in
Volume: 24
Issue: 3
Pages: 579 - 580

Since its commercialization early in the 20th century, indentation testing has played a key role in the development of new materials and understanding their mechanical behavior. Progress in the field has relied on a close marriage between research in the mechanical behavior of materials and contact mechanics. The seminal work of Hertz laid the foundations for bringing these two together, with his contributions still widely utilized today in examining elastic behavior and the physics of fracture. Later, the pioneering work of Tabor, as published in his classic text The Hardness of Metals, expanded this understanding to address the complexities of plasticity.

About the journal
JournalJournal of Materials Research