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Characterization of AA6061 alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing and subjected to low cycle fatigue
Published in
Volume: 66
Issue: 2
Pages: 147 - 154
Aluminum alloy 6061 was subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) using two different processing routes BC and C, to study the evolution of the microstructure and the effect of low cycle fatigue (LCF) on the resultant microstructure. Specimens subjected to ECAP and fatigue cycling were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD patterns of the material after each pass of ECAP and after interrupted LCF tests were analyzed. Single-line approximation method of analysis was used to obtain microstructural parameters from peak broadening observed in XRD profiles. Increase in dislocation density till saturation after pass 2 and marginal changes thereafter for successive passes were observed. From the LCF tests on specimens subjected to three ECAP passes at two strain amplitudes of 0.5 and 1.0 %, cyclic stress response up to fatigue failure were obtained. The solutionized specimens exhibited continuous strain hardening at both strain amplitudes. The ECAP processed material fatigued at 0.5 % strain amplitude exhibited stable cyclic stress response, whereas the material fatigued at 1.0 % strain amplitude exhibited cyclic softening. The LCF behaviour was the same for the material processed through both BC and C routes. The TEM images of specimens and the associated selected area electron diffraction patterns indicated ultra fine grain structure after three passes of ECAP. However, some amount of grain coarsening was observed after LCF cycling. © 2013 Indian Institute of Metals.
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JournalTransactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
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